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5 foods to avoid at work

Working on your health? Keep these foods away from your desk and out of the break room
Here's a list of food to keep away from your desk

This treat can add up if you can't stop grazing

Microwavable popcorn

This movie theater staple  actually has a lot of benefits, if done properly. Corn is a whole grain that is high in fiber, low in calories and fairly nutritious—but only if it is air-popped popcorn. Problems arise when you add butter and high-fat seasoning and when you pop the kernels in the microwave.

Researchers have debated whether microwaving your popcorn increases health risks, but even if popping your own kernels in a brown paper bag turns out to be okay, a bag of buttered-flavored microwave popcorn can contain up to 24 grams of fat, 600 calories and way too much added sodium. Also, if you leave it in the microwave for too long, your coworkers are not going to be fond of the burnt smell lingering in the halls.

Bagels are loaded with carbs, and that is before you add cream cheese!


While they are a quick go-to breakfast for the workplace, bagels they are one of the worst foods to mindlessly munch on. Bagels are loaded with carbs, which wouldn’t be a bad thing, if you were able to limit yourself to just half of a bagel. Eating an entire bagel equates to about three servings of the recommended daily carbohydrate intake—and that’s before the cream cheese or butter.

Save them for a special occassion


These treats are the perfect amount of dough and sugar, which is unfortunately why you shouldn’t eat them at your desk. Donuts have very high amounts of calories, fats and carbs, which, without daily exercise, can attribute to unwanted pounds.

It’s okay to indulge your sweet tooth every now and then, but if your job has you sitting for most of the day, then you may want to pass on the donuts except for special occasions—and limit yourself to just one.

Opt for the plain variety


A container of yogurt is often seen as a convenient grab-and-go breakfast or midday snack, but some of your options, even the nutritionist-praised Greek variety, may be sugar bombs in disguise.

If you add yogurt to your shopping list, aim for the plain variety and add your own nuts and fruit toppings so you can enjoy the benefits that other varieties tend to negate.

In the diet versus regular soda debate, opt for neither


Looking for a caffeine kick to help power through the day? You should probably think twice before reaching for a can of soda—even if it’s diet. Recent studies have linked the artificially sweetened variety to higher risks of type 2 diabetes.

Next time you need jolt of energy, try getting up and moving, eating a healthy snack or drinking some water or unsweetened tea.

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