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8 things you should be cleaning more often

toothbrush holder

As we head into cold and flu season, good hygiene is crucial. Viruses and bacteria can breed and multiply in the most unusual places. Staving off sickness this winter could be as simple as cleaning the following items a little more often.

Computer Keyboard: Your keyboard may actually be dirtier than your toilet. While this sounds like a great excuse to take a personal day away from the office, researchers say you shouldn’t be surprised that the keys and spaces of keyboards are a haven for microbes and bacteria. Practice good desktop hygiene by wiping your keyboard daily with disinfectant towelettes tailored for electronic use.



Toothbrush holder: Did you know your toothbrush holder is the third most germ-infected object in the home? It’s easy to feel queasy when wondering how much bacteria is living so near to an item we put in our mouth daily. Avoid this scenario by following these instructions on a weekly basis:

Begin by rinsing your toothbrush holder out with hot water and wiping down the outside with a clean cloth. Then, using a pipe cleaner, reach inside the slots to remove any hidden grime. Next, fill the toothbrush holder with antibacterial mouthwash and allow it to sit for two minutes. Finally, rinse out the mouthwash, run the holder under water and let it air dry.


Steering Wheel/Interior of Car: You may want to re-think dining and driving. Around 700 harmful bugs may inhabit a car’s interior, especially if you leave food or trash in the seats or floorboards. While the steering wheel and gear shifts are the easiest places for germs to breed, they are found everywhere. Experts recommend cleaning your car interior regularly and running disinfectant wipes across your steering wheel, dashboard and cup holders to fight the spread of illness.


Steering wheel


Remote Control: While it’s probably a safe bet that hotel remote controls are crawling with microbes, even your household remote can harbor unwelcome guests. The majority of Americans eat dinner in front of the television while channel surfing—a practice that promotes bacteria growth. Give your remote a weekly wipedown with an alcohol-based electronics cleanser.

Remote control


Doorknobs: Whether you’re at home or in the office, doorknobs get tons of play all day—they’re one of the most popular spots for bacteria to breed and multiply. It’s impossible to know if your co-workers and family members are practicing good hygiene 24/7, and, if they’re not, you’re at risk for sickness. The transmissibility of diseases by our hands is an important threat to combat. Do your part by rubbing a disinfectant wipe on your doorknob at least once a week.

Door knob


Light Switches: Similar to doorknobs, the light switches in your home are another object hands are touching, at least a few times per day. Don’t forget to include wiping these with a disinfectant wipe or cleaner during your weekly cleaning regimen.

Light switch


Purse: Take time to think about all the dirty places your purse has been. Remember putting it down on that public restroom floor, or under the table at a restaurant? The purse is a regular germ vehicle. By forgetting to clean it regularly, you run the risk of spreading contagions to yourself and your family members. Spray or wipe your purse daily with a fabric-safe sanitizing spray to kill unwanted germs.



Cell phone: If you’ve ever thought about putting your cell-phone under a black light: Don’t. It won’t encourage you to pick it back up .We handle our cell phones with food-laden fingers and trap it against our sweaty or makeup-covered faces. It’s crying out to be cleansed weekly with an alcohol-based cleaner meant for digital devices.

Mobile phone

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