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October 2010 administrative updates

Do you know about Laserfiche?

Laserfiche – the document management system software for the Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) – has a place for you to store all kinds of documents.Admin Update Art

Here are some common documents:

·  Records Retention Authorization Forms: 01.200.10 – Destruction Authorizations

·  Payroll information on specific employees: 3.1.01 Payroll Employee Files

·  Payroll BVD or PVD reports: 3.1.04 – Paydate Files

·  Monthly FAMIS Reconciliations: 04.601.10 – Reconciliations

·  Purchase Orders: 05.304.10 – Purchase Orders

·  Purchase Logs: 05.305.10 – Purchase Logs

Instead of searching through file cabinets, Laserfiche can retrieve your documents in seconds. Anything on the TAMHSC records retention schedule has a place in Laserfiche.

Learn how you can benefit from records retention or get questions answered that you always have but never have time to ask at one of the working sessions by the Office of Finance and Administration. These come-and-go style sessions are great for one-on-one questions and practice. Bring some of your working files and find out best practices and shortcuts that others use everyday.

Visit the Laserfiche webpage ( for “Getting Started” and other types of training videos. These videos go at your own pace and show different tips and tricks, as well as departmental specific best practices that can save you time.

Remember that Laserfiche is secure, and files can be shared among users with similar security rights. If you would like any of the above sections or folders opened for your use, contact Trevor Moran at (979) 458-7240 or

Research and Graduate Studies relocates to Reynolds Building

The Texas A&M Health Science Center Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies has relocated to the Joe H. Reynolds Medical Building on the West Campus of Texas A&M University in College Station.

Formerly housed in the John B. Connally Building in College Station, the research and graduate studies office is now in Suite 147 of the Reynolds Building. The new main phone number is (979) 862-3389.

Exchange 2010 upgrade complete

The systemwide upgrade to Exchange 2010 for all Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) faculty, staff and students has been completed. The TAMHSC Office of Information Technology effectively performed the conversion by phasing in users based on their respective academic units.

The upgrade provides capacity enhancements needed for the growing institution. Exchange 2010 also offers an increased level of data protection to ensure the integrity of communications via email. The webmail allows full features in all current web browsers and the added benefit to view shared calendars.

Webmail is also now available in myHSC. The familiar email button with envelope icon is being eliminated, so TAMHSC users will need to click a new tab located directly above the panes to view mail. The change from the button to the tab is being done in response to feedback from faculty, staff and students and should allow for more convenient viewing of mail.

Tutorials regarding Exchange 2010 are available in the TAMHSC-OIT section of the website at

For TAMHSC Office of Information Technology news, tips and tutorials, visit

Technical support at your fingertips

With the centralized service of the Office of Information Technology Help Desk, technical assistance for Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) faculty, staff and students is just a call or click away.

The Help Desk, featuring a walk-up service area on the first floor of the Health Professions Education Building of the Bryan campus, promotes standardization of information technology services, allows for tracking of user issues and helps in providing quick, efficient service to all TAMHSC users.

HPEB IT help desk
Office of Information Technology Help Desk at the Health Professions Education Building

The goal of the Help Desk is to facilitate consistent, uniform and timely service. Documentation through the Numara® FootPrints® job tracking system allows information technology personnel to see trends with regard to hardware or software issues and utilize that knowledge to troubleshoot similar issues. An initial contact with the Help Desk is always the best way to expedite any request.

It can often be tempting for TAMHSC users to stop technicians in order to solve an immediate problem. However, doing so can be problematic in solving future issues because there will be no documented history of these requests. By always contacting the Help Desk, you can help the TAMHSC Office of Information Technology better serve you.

Contact the Help Desk at (800) 799-7HSC or email A self-service portal is accessible at

A password reset tool also is part of the portal. By registering, users are able to reset their forgotten, expired or locked password from anywhere with an Internet connection. A tutorial is online at

Risk, Fraud & Misconduct Hotline

The Texas A&M University System’s Risk, Fraud & Misconduct Hotline provides faculty, staff, students, vendors and members of the public with a mechanism for reporting concerns related to allegations of improprieties.  The Hotline should be used to report issues such as misuse of A&M System property, information or resources, violations of safety rules or environmental laws, NCAA compliance violations and conflicts of interest to name a few.

Although employees are encouraged to resolve issues and concerns through their supervisors, there may be occasions when the circumstances make this impossible.  In these situations, the Hotline provides an alternative process for employees to report their issues or concerns anonymously.  Reports can be submitted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in the following ways:

  • Click on the Risk, Fraud & Misconduct Hotline link located in the footer information on any A&M System member’s homepage or
  • Call 1-888-501-3850 (toll-free)

In addition, issues specifically involving fraud, waste or abuse can also be reported to the Texas State Auditor’s Office at

Translational research symposium set for Nov. 11-12

The Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) will host a two-day scientific research symposium Nov. 11-12 to foster scientific exchange among academic units.

The two-day symposium is at the Henry D. Smith Operations Complex at the Brayton Fire Training Field, 1595 Nuclear Science Road in College Station. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. Nov. 11, with sessions from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

The scientific research symposium includes moderated oral presentations and informal poster sessions. Major focus areas include developmental biology and stem cell research, infection and inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular and metabolism, neuroscience, and translational medicine and core centers.

The symposium planning committee is comprised of TAMHSC faculty and support staff.

Registration packet includes a T-shirt, note pad, name tag and symposium questionnaire. More information is online at

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