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- Medicine
B-CS Mini-Medical School in Full Swing

BRYAN, TX—Now in its seventh season, the Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) College of Medicine’s signature community outreach program Mini-Medical School has begun at the TAMHSC campus in Bryan on Thursday evenings. The program continues until March 3, and upcoming topics include returning veteran reintegration, complicated migraines and research on alcohol’s effects during pregnancy.
Mini-Medical School provides a series of free lectures and interactive question-and-answer sessions with health experts, faculty members and thought leaders to educate the public about health related research and technology, disease prevention and health care policy.
On January 20, the TAMHSC College of Medicine’s new Dean, T. Samuel Shomaker, M.D., J.D., kicked off the series with a lecture about the future of medical education and its implications for physicians and patients.
Mini-Medical School lectures are recorded and can be viewed online at https://www.medicine.tamhsc.edu/mini-med/archives.html

Bryan-College Station Mini-Medical School is sponsored by Texas A&M Physicians, the United States Army and The College Station Medical Center.
Visit https://medicine.tamhsc.edu/mini-med for more details, directions and to register.
Media contact: media@tamu.edu