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BCD receives historical marker

In recognition as an institution of significance to the history of Texas, the Baylor College of Dentistry-Texas A&M Health Science Center recently was awarded a historical marker by the Texas Historical Commission. HSC-BCD hosted a special dedication ceremony May 4 that concluded its Centennial Celebration, with attendees from the Texas Historical Commission, Dallas County Historical Commission, and academic and medical leaders from across the state. As part of the event, contents of the 100th anniversary time capsule were displayed, with department, office and class items sealed for 50 years and re-opened during the dental school’s sesquicentennial year. Among those pictured at the dedication are Dr. James S. Cole, HSC-BCD dean, center; Roderick McCallum, Ph.D., HSC vice president for Academic Affairs, third from left; Buddy Frazer, Dallas County Historical Commission chairman, far right; members of the Centennial Steering Committee and other distinguished guests.

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