- Cheri Shipman
- Pharmacy
Bremick receives college teaching award for contributions to student pharmacists

Indra K. Reddy, Ph.D., professor and founding dean of the Texas A&M Health Science Center Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy, presents to Mark Bremick, B.S. Pharm., instructor, The Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for college teaching on Aug. 22.

A faculty member who exemplifies the pharmacy profession’s high expectations for professionalism, concern for others and dedication to service received one of the highest Texas A&M University honors that can be bestowed upon a faculty or staff member. The Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for college teaching was announced this past week at the Faculty and Staff Meeting.
Mark Bremick, B.S. Pharm., instructor of pharmacy practice at the Texas A&M Health Science Center Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy, was selected to receive the College-Level Teaching Award for his contributions to educating professional student pharmacists through a variety of roles.
“Professor Bremick is consummate teacher who has a great passion for teaching and a very caring attitude for students,” said Indra K. Reddy, Ph.D., professor and founding dean of the Texas A&M Rangel College of Pharmacy. “He is most deserving of this prestigious honor.”
As an active participant of the Curricular Affairs Committee, Bremick contributed significantly to improving the organization of the curriculum and has championed the adaptation of team-based learning techniques at the college. As a course coordinator, he reorganized a course critical to student success; this new structure improved students’ knowledge base, and it gave students the tools necessary to be successful in introductory practice experiences.
“Mark Bremick sets an example for students and instructors alike,” said Steve Peterson, Ph.D., professor and associate dean for academic affairs at the Texas A&M Rangel College of Pharmacy.
As a teacher, Bremick is known to be dedicated to developing thoughtful, informative and challenging course materials and encourages students to challenge themselves to produce their best work and not just to settle for good enough.
“In more than 30 years of academics, I have never seen anyone as dedicated to instruction,” said Peterson, who received the award in 1988 and 1993 while he was a faculty member with the Texas A&M College of Medicine. “His commitment continues to inspire me.”
Bremick is a recognized student advocate who actively reaches out to and works with students who are struggling academically to provide tutoring, mentoring and advising.
“I am sincerely honored and humbled to receive such an honor,” Bremick said. “Thank you to The Association of Former Students, Dean Reddy, and my colleagues, both faculty and staff, who are such supporters of my efforts.”
Components of the Texas A&M Health Science Center were invited to participate in the Distinguished Achievement Awards administered by The Association of Former Students. Each award consists of a $2,000 gift and a framed certificate. This award recognizes, encourages and rewards superior classroom teachers and is designed to distinguish those teachers who maintain high expectations for their students and ensure academic rigor in their courses.
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