On Saturday, March 29, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine will host its 4th Annual Open House for the community and for students interested in a career in medicine. The event will be held at the Joe H. Reynolds Medical Building on the West Campus of Texas A&M University, at the corner of University Drive and Agronomy Road/Olsen Road in College Station. This year’s open house is sponsored by First National Bank.
Activities, exhibits, medical lectures and demonstrations include the following:
- 20th Annual Healthy Heart Run benefitting the American Heart Association, organized by the College of Medicine’s Sports Medicine Club and the student chapter of the Texas Medical Association (TMA).
- Participants can sign up for 5K and 10K Runs and a 5K Walk.
- Races start at 7:30 a.m., on March 29, at Joe H. Reynolds Medical Building, Parking Lot 73.
- From 6:30 to 7: 15 a.m., participants can pick up their t-shirt, number, and race packet.
- Pre-registration entry fee is $15, and day-of registration entry fee is $20.
- Age group top place winners will receive trophies and prizes.
- Parking is free.
Interview Symposium for college students interested in knowing more about what to expect in a medical school interview (web-registration required).
Scott & White STAT Air Helicopter.
Disaster Relief and Emergency Medical Services (DREAMS) Digital EMS Ambulance utilizing telemedicine.
Mobile Air Force Surgical Unit and a mobile Ambulatory Surgical Unit built within an 18-wheeler, fire truck and emergency response vehicles will all be on display to see first hand.
The Army’s Department of Combat Medic Training (DCMT) will display its simulation methodology and the DCMT Microsimulation program. Army personnel will be demonstrating how they train, utilizing a Bleeding Model and Scenario Based-Human Patient Simulators (HPS) and a Portable HPS (with a John Deer Gator).
Children’s activities: Basketball and football games, face painting, balloon animals, x-rays/anatomy models, mock doctor visits and more.
From 9 till 9:45 a.m. in Lecture Hall 1 and 2, Wellness talks will be given by William Rayburn, M.D. on Women’s Health Issues and by cardiologist Kenneth Baker, M.D., on Keeping Your Heart Fit.
From 10 till 10:45 a.m. students and parents can attend sessions on Getting into Medical School in Lecture Hall 1 of the Reynolds Medical Building and Dreams Within Reach: So You Want to Be A Doctor in Lecture Hall 2.
Starting at 11 a.m., visitors may attend a Mock Interview and Medical Student Panel discussion in Lecture Hall 1 and hear what the life of a medical student is like. In Lecture Hall 2, visitors may attend the Stand Tall Against Tobacco (STAT) presentation, a teen smoking prevention program designed by our medical students.
From 12 to 12:45 p.m., participants may attend a Medical School Lecture on Anatomy in Lecture Hall 1 or a presentation in Lecture Hall 2 by Dean of Medicine Christopher C. Colenda, M.D., M.P.H, on Caring For Your Aging Parents.
Wrapping up the afternoon’s lectures, from 1 to 1:45 p.m., there will be another session on Getting into Medical School in Lecture Hall 1 and a presentation on Update on Nutrition and Your Health…Facts, Fantasy and Fiction in Lecture Hall 2.
Breast Cancer and healthy lifestyles information, thumb casting and learning how to suture exhibits will be available.
Charlie the patient simulator from the Texas Engineering Extension Service?s Emergency Service Training Institute will be on exhibit in the Commons Area of the Medical Sciences Library.
Free immunizations for children are brought to you by the newly developed student program, Health Circus. Immunizations for children under 18 will be available during the Open House. Children can receive their school immunizations: Polio, HIB, Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B for individuals 18 and under, PCV7 (PREVNAR), DTAP and TB skin testing.
Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes and Osteoperosis Screenings will be available.
Telemedicine demonstrations will be ongoing in the lobby of the Reynolds Medical Building and will allow participants to see inside their own ears. Other activities include teaching models on display in the medical school classrooms and laboratories: Gross Anatomy, Pathology, as well as Physical Examinations by medical students and faculty.
Visitors will have free parking in lots 18 and 73 at the Joe H. Reynolds Medical Building.
The College of Medicine, founded in 1973, offers students an excellent medical education experience through collaborative affiliations and combined resources and expertise from private, state and federal health care agencies. Training future physicians to be on the leading edge of knowledge, skill and patient care in all areas of medicine is the College of Medicine’s objective.
The college has trained a significant number of primary care physicians, with more than 60 percent of its graduates entering primary care residencies. Students associate closely with senior faculty and researchers in all phases of the curriculum and have clerkships at Scott & White Memorial Hospital & Clinic and the Central Texas Veterans Health Care System in Temple; Darnall Army Hospital at Fort Hood; and Driscoll Children’s Hospital in Corpus Christi.
The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center provides the state with health education, outreach and research. Its five components located in communities throughout Texas are Baylor College of Dentistry, the College of Medicine, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, the Institute of Biosciences and Technology and the School of Rural Public Health.