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Eating disorders: Finding balance and support

Eating disorders affect people of all sizes and backgrounds. Experts share insights on support, treatment and building a healthy mindset.
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Food is a vital part of our everyday lives, but relationships with it can be complicated. For some, those complications can lead to disordered eating behaviors, which is a spectrum of problematic behaviors and distorted attitudes toward food, weight, shape and appearance, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. While disordered eating may not meet the clinical criteria for an eating disorder, it can still be harmful and, in some cases, progress into a diagnosable eating disorder—a complex mental health condition defined by specific psychological and behavioral patterns outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Experts from Texas A&M University Health Services share insights from a range of fields to assist in better recognizing eating disorders, dispelling harmful food myths, finding a healthier balance and supporting those struggling.

Understanding eating disorders

Taylor Cyrus, registered dietitian with University Health Services, said eating disorders don’t have a specific look or weight requirement.

“You can have disordered eating—restricting too much, bingeing and purging, being really fixated and restrictive on healthy eating—and be at any weight,” Cyrus said. “It comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s really about your disordered relationship with food.”

Cyrus serves on the university’s Eating Disorder Interdisciplinary Team (EDIT), a group of multidisciplinary professionals including dietitians, licensed professional counselors and physicians, who serve students seeking treatment for eating disorders or concerns.

By taking a multidisciplinary approach to care, the team can offer a customized, whole-health experience for each patient.

“A lot of times, I think people think they can just stop, that if they want to eat, they could eat, or if they wanted not to binge, they would not binge,” said Gayle Ponder, a physician on the team. “But eating disorders are like any other chronic medical condition. Willpower is not the issue.”

Breaking harmful food myths

A major part of EDIT’s work is to help dismiss harmful beliefs and false ideas about food developed by people with eating disorders. One such non-productive belief is the “all or nothing” mentality, in which a person either strictly limits themselves to what they deem “safe” foods or engages in bingeing behaviors.

“A healthy eating relationship with food is somewhere in the middle,” Cyrus said. “We also want to increase positivity toward food. Food does a lot for us, but too often that gets warped, and food is seen as the enemy.”

Another misconception, according to Megan Bond, a licensed professional counselor, is that eating disorders only affect young, white women.

“They affect people of all ages, genders, racial and ethnic backgrounds, geographical locations and socioeconomic statuses,” Bond said. “This impacts what mental health and health care providers are paying attention to when meeting with patients.”

Seeking help and support

For those struggling with a disordered relationship with food, Cyrus said shame and guilt can pose obstacles to getting care. However, meeting with a doctor, dietitian or counselor can be life changing.

“It’s worth it to get that mental space back that’s wasted on food and calories and really harmful thinking,” Cyrus said. “It’s worth getting it checked out to get your life back.”

At Texas A&M, students seeking treatment for a potential eating disorder typically begin with an assessment at the University Health Services counseling center. If needed and as availability allows, they may then be referred to the full EDIT team. In all cases, the student remains in control of their care.

How to support someone with an eating disorder

Support from family, friends and loved ones can be crucial for those struggling with an eating disorder. The EDIT team provides the following suggestions for offering support:

  • Express care and concern. Tell them, “Hey, I care about you. I feel like maybe you should talk to someone about this just to make sure you’re OK.”
  • Avoid labeling foods as “healthy” or “unhealthy.” Instead, be neutral toward all food and embrace an “all foods fit” mentality. This mindset allows individuals to compose meals and snacks from a wide variety of foods, creating a balance between nutrient-dense foods and fun foods.
  • Let them know you care about them. Assure them you’re coming from a place of support, not judgment.

Students interested in an assessment or treatment for an eating disorder can book an initial intake appointment through the University Health Services online intake form or by calling 979.458.4584.

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