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COM Dr. Baker receives AHA Award of Meritorious Achievement

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(TEMPLE, TX) — Kenneth M. Baker, M.D., F.A.H.A., professor and vice chair of internal medicine at Scott & White, director of the Division of Molecular Cardiology, and Mayborn Chair in Cardiovascular Research at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, received the American Heart Association’s Award of Meritorious Achievement at an April 28 ceremony in Washington, D.C.

The American Heart Association (AHA) confers the Award of Meritorious Achievement – one of its highest honors – upon individuals selected primarily for a significant accomplishment at the AHA nationally. Dr. Baker was chosen as a recipient of the award for his successful leadership of the AHA Research Strategic Plan. He moved this process forward during his tenure as chair of the National AHA Research Committee and as a member of the Science and Advisory Coordinating Committee and the National Board of Directors.

“It is a well-deserved honor for Dr. Baker to receive this award from the American Heart Association,” said Christopher C. Colenda, M.D., M.P.H., Jean and Thomas McMullin Dean of Medicine. “He has dedicated his entire research career to the study of cardiovascular disease and has made a difference in the lives of so many in this country. It is fitting that the American Heart Association recognize him with the Meritorious Achievement Award.”

A renowned cardiologist and cardiovascular scientist, Dr. Baker has authored more than 110 peer-reviewed scientific publications, which have been cited more than 5,000 times. His research has been funded by both the National Institutes of Health and the AHA. He has been a longstanding AHA volunteer for more than 30 years, an AHA Fellow, and a Fellow of the Council on High Blood Pressure Research and Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences.

An established AHA investigator, Dr. Baker has volunteered for service on more than 60 AHA committees at the local, affiliate and national levels. He previously has been the recipient of the AHA Distinguished Service Award and the Walter M. Kirkendall, M.D. Scientist/Educator of the Year Award.

Dr. Baker has served on the boards of the Pennsylvania and Texas AHA affiliates and was president of the Pennsylvania Affiliate. He has also served on the editorial boards of the AHA scientific journals Hypertension, Circulation, and Circulation Research.

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