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Phil Robinson: A Profile in Generosity

Phillip D. Robinson
Phillip D. Robinson

If it is true that management is doing things right, and leadership is doing the right things, then the Founding Chair of the Development Council for the Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health, Phillip D. Robinson’78, is a stellar example of both.

From leading the JFK Medical Center in Florida as CEO during the first anthrax exposure three weeks following 9/11, to serving as President of Lankenau Medical Center that has been recognized as one of the best clinical facilities for 6 years straight by Truven Health Analytics, Mr. Robinson has proven himself one of the most outstanding Aggie healthcare leaders of our time.

His most recent endeavor was co-editing  Anticipate, Respond, Recover: Healthcare Leadership and Catastrophic Events, which focuses on disaster preparedness and response from the healthcare leader’s perspective. In the book dedication, Mr. Robinson states: “Partial proceeds from this book will be donated to the School of Rural Public Health at the Texas A&M Health Science Center to assist in the development of the future leaders and public health professionals who will be integral to our response to the critical challenges yet to come.”

Through the years Robinson has donated to help establish one of the school’s first endowed scholarship funds, established the first planned gift to the school, and the first donor/student scholarship program.  He has also served on the school’s Master of Health Administration Advisory Board.

“If this outstanding graduate school had been in place when I attended Texas A&M, there is no doubt in my mind I would have furthered my education at the School of Rural Public Health,” states Robinson.

When a leader believes in something, he finds meaningful ways to support it by doing the right thing. The School of Rural Public Health is grateful to have Mr. Robinson’s leadership and vision and that he is dedicated to paving the way for the next generation of healthcare leaders.

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