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Prairie View A&M Undergraduate Medical Academy

The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, its College of Medicine and Prairie View A&M University are coming together to recruit and train the next generation of medical professionals with the forming of the Prairie View A&M University Undergraduate Medical Academy. Prairie View A&M University will be hosting the signing ceremony for the program Monday, November 29, at 10 a.m. in the auditorium at the A.I. Thomas Administration Building, on the Prairie View A&M campus in Prairie View.
In its inaugural year, the Undergraduate Medical Academy welcomes 18 students at the Prairie View campus. The innovative program focuses on preparing students for medical school and careers in the medical field by offering opportunities for preceptorship and summer research experiences at the College Station and Temple campuses. Through their education at the academy, students will gain a first-hand look into the daily schedules of physicians and researchers. College of Medicine faculty will be highly involved in the program, acting as instructors and advisors, and will work with the students to help them prepare for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
Dr. Dennis Daniels, director of the Undergraduate Medical Academy, will preside over the ceremony, which will also be attended by Dr. Christopher Colenda, dean of the College of Medicine and Dr. Kelly Hester, the college’s associate dean for academic affairs; Dr. Nancy W. Dickey, president of the A&M System Health Science Center and vice chancellor for health affairs for the A&M System; Dr. Alicia Dorsey, assistant vice president for academic affairs at the health science center; and Dr. Joahanne Thomas and Dr. Danny Kelley from Prairie View A&M. State Representative Ruth McClendon, who championed the program in the Legislature, will also be in attendance.
Founded in 1977, the College of Medicine at the Texas A&M University System Health Science Center is committed to educating, training and equipping physicians who are compassionate about their patients and dedicated to the communities in which they serve. Located on the Texas A&M University campus, the college utilizes approximately 700 basic scientists and clinicians to instruct students during the course of their medical education. The College of Medicine’s primary clinical affiliate is Scott & White Hospital in Temple, which is ranked as one of the top-15 teaching hospitals in the nation.

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